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MPW Policy
The MPW Policy states that anything and everything could happen on an MPW card. Any match can happen, announced or not and anything can be altered due to rping. This allows the harder working rpers to get better, faster and it allows many doors to storylines to open up. What this means is that each week, you're going to want to make sure that you get out a good rp so that you can try to stay at your peak. Anything can happen and this should make it alot of fun. The only time this doens't apply is if you are injured, on vacation or have requested not to fight.

As we mentioned before, the MPW is a roleplaying/storyline league. Your success here in the MPW relies on how well you roleplay. Along with that, we need you to work on gimmick and storyline development. If you're serious, and have an interest in roleplaying. Then we would love to have you participate in MPW. But if you're just going to join the league to take up space and not roleplay, then don't waste our time. We don't mean to be harsh. We don't need people tagging along just to take up space. Therefore, we ask you if you're going to join the league that you keep in touch at all times. That doesn't mean roleplaying seven times a week and twenty-four hours a day. What we mean by that is that if you haven't roleplayed in a couple of weeks, at least e-mail me and let me know that you're still with us. That's all, a simple e-mail is all we ask from you.

1. Communicate with your opponent and discuss how many roleplays you would like to produce. Agree on an amount.
2. Lets try out best here not to 'sandbag' your opponent by posting an rp right before the deadline. Especially if you have both just posted one each. If its 2 rps to 1 and you get your last one up to make it even than thats fine. But doing it when its 1rp to 1rp is not cool. I see this as a way of cheating.
3. Only 1 rp is allowed to be posted per day. There will be no posting of 3 rps on deadline day.
4. If we have a match where we get 2 no shows that match will be posted in a one paragraph overview. If you cannot give us the time to rp (without informing us that is.) then myself and the rest of the creative team should not have to write a full match.

MPW does not accept any real wrestlers in our league, whatsoever. No questions asked. Originality only. Also, try and not make carbon-copy characters like for example "AM Punk". None of that, please.

Tag Teams
The staff is extremely high on tag teams here in the MPW. They would like to see lots of teams in this as they always put on a great show.

Yes, managers and valets are major factors to the aspect of Wrestling. You can send in suggestions if you want your manager or valet to interfere in your wrestler's match and how. Also, everytime your wrestler has a match and he has a manager or valet and you have no idea what to send in, let me know what your manager or valet will be wearing for that card, or something the manager might be doing. Be VERY specific and descriptive. Please create a roster page for all Managers on the boards Manager Roster section.

Stables are a group of wrestlers who get together for a number of causes (Like the nWo or DeGeneration X). Stables will also have a place in the rankings section. At the moment, we allow four wrestlers and two managers per each stable.

This is most likely, the most important section in the Rulebook. The MPW is a no-nonsense type of league. We're looking to acquire quality roleplayers. But don't get the wrong idea. You may not be able to send in great roleplays, but that doesn't mean you won't win any matches. Before we go into this any further, let us explain what we don't like. If you send in something like "i WILL kik u r ASS an dats da bottome liin cuz i says so!!!!". That could probably get you fired from the league, right there and then. We will not tolerate that crap. All we ask is that you're able to at least put a complete sentence together. We know that there are some terrific roleplayers on the 'net. That's what we're looking for. But even if you're not at all great and you can make far better roleplays than the sample above, go ahead and join. Also remember, participation counts. So if you're not the greatest roleplayer in the World, that doesn't matter. All you have to do is participate and your wrestler(s) will be somewhat successful. Everytime you roleplay, make sure that everything is okay. Make sure that you spell-check, double-check, then re-check. Make sure that the spelling and punctuation is always correct. Those factors are extremely important when roleplaying.

You're expected to roleplay for cards. If you have a match and you do not roleplay, We can guarantee you that you will lose. Without a doubt, unless your opponent doesn't roleplay too. In which case, I'll decide the winner by past roleplaying. If neither of you roleplayed and have never roleplayed then we guess you better hope that Lady Luck is on your side. If you miss the lineup and don't have time to roleplay, but you usually do roleplay every week. Then your opponent doesn't roleplay and he never participates, you'll most likely win due to the fact that you participate more than him. You're not allowed to use other wrestlers in your rps in any form unless you have their permission or unless they are stablemates.

Along with that, be expected to occassionally be jobbed for storyline purposes. We are trying to build the best storylines so you may need to be jobbed a few times.

If there is anything specific you want in your match please contact the person writing your match. You can find out who is writing your match on the Match Writing Board.

There will be a weekly card, every Thursday Night called "Thursday Night Takedown." This is a very high octane show where anything goes in its 2 hour broadcast.
Along with the weekly card we will have one Pay-Per View every six weeks. This show will feature big match ups that have been building up and most titles will be defended at each Pay-Per View event I can't promise all titles will be defended but most of them will be.

RP Limit
All we ask is to roleplay once per show minimum. The Maximum per show is three and four for pay per views.

We have several titles, here they are.

World Title: This title is the MPW's Top title. Grab this title and you are at the top of the game.

North American Title: This title is MPW's Tier 2 title.

Tag Team Titles: Self explanatory it is a title that the front office believes will create a lot of amazing matches!

Television Title: This title is MPW's Tier 3 title.

X-Core Championship: A Championship for the more X-Treme and Hardcore wrestlers. Anyone can win this belt as long as they meet the criteria. This belt has no ranking.

The MPW reserves the right to suspend or expulse anyone at any given time for violating any of the rules, stated above.

Its very important that we keep the lines of communication open in the MPW. We have our OOC board, email and we have a fed chat. You can email any of the staff and request some chat room time with yourself to air grievances or just to praise the fed. We are always, always available. Never forget that I want to speak up right away when you have an issue. But do not make it public on the OOC board. Do it through email that is the best way to go about it.

Well, that's basically it. Aside from everything stated here, you can do just about anything you want. The only thing limited to this is your imagination. The key is to never get discouraged. And remember, this is only a game. If you really do have a problem with the handler of a character in real life, contact me and I'll get in touch with that person and the three of us can talk about it via e-mail. Remember we are here to have fun that is the bottom line of this. If someone posts on the OOC about how they can get better with their rps we encourage everyone to help out with pointers. Making that person better will make us all better as a whole fed.


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