Sunday December 22nd 2013
Bridgestone Arena - Nashville Tennessee

MAN vs. Nathan James dark match

MAN wins via pinfall after a "Biggest Bang" finisher at 6:12.

{The camera shows Soul Shadow arriving at the arena, his gym bag slung over his shoulder as he looks for the locker room. Walking down the hall of the New Orleans Arena, he sees his opponent for the evening, Valentina Madison, leaning against the wall while she checks her cellphone. Soul watches her silently for a moment, then approaches her.}

Soul: Valentina.

{Slightly startled, Valentina looks up from her phone. She glares at the tag champion for a moment, then she returns her attention to her phone.}

Valentina: Can I help you?

Soul: I just wanted to say I’m sorry for not checking up on you in the hospital. True, I was much more concerned about Aeryn due to my relationship with her, but that is no excuse. I should have at least looked in on you as well.

{Valentina never raises her eyes from the phone’s screen.}

Valentina: Whatever, Soul Shadow. Truthfully, I’m surprised I expected anything less. Since you started sleeping with your tag team partner, it seems everyone else in your life outside of her has fallen to the wayside. After all, I wonder how your son feels about you forgetting about his dead mother…

{Her comments are cut off as the phone is knocked from her hand. A crack spiders across the screen’s glass as it connects loudly with the ground.}

Soul: You’re too young and inexperienced in the world to know how it works, little girl. There are some things you can never learn just from reading a book. Such as a person’s love life and family being off-limits to your opinions. But I am more than willing to teach you that lesson tonight.

{Soul glares at the rookie with burning eyes before continuing his trek down the hall. He purposefully steps on the phone while walking.}

Valentina: You’re going to pay for that…

Soul: Then make me do so in the ring, little girl. If you think you can. 

{Valentina watches the tag champion head down the hall, disappearing around a corner. With a rueful smile, she picks up her damaged phone before disappearing in the opposite direction.}

[As the camera zooms around the arena, the Reloaded theme song plays in the background of the roaring crowd]

Thomas Simon: Happy Holidays and welcome to Sunday Night Reloaded!

Richie Rhodes: We are live from New Orleans Louisiana and what a card we have for you tonight!

Thomas Simon: I can't wait to get this show going.

Richie Rhodes: i love the holidays. What did you get me Thomas?

Thomas Simon: I'll check under my shoe for some gum

Match 1

Taufik wins via pinfall at 9:42 after a Superkick to MAN followed by a Side Effect type move.

Thomas Simon: Fans our Television Champion has done it yet again and he continues to roll here in MPW!

Richie Rhodes: Woe Thomas... I hear something on the roof

Thomas Simon: what are you talking about?

Richie Rhodes: I hear something.. is it... Santa!?

Thomas Simon: are you on drugs Richie?

Richie Rhodes: no! it's really him! Let's go look backstage!

[Backstage the scene opens on black boots. As it pans up red pants and a red suit are revealed. It moves up higher and shows a white beard and glasses with a red hat. The fans cheer for Santa Claus.]

Richie Rhodes: i told you! oh my god it has to be the real one!

Santa Claus: HO HO HO!!! Merry Christmas! Santa has arrived here in New Orleans HO HO HO! I have gifts for everyone! Everyone on the Nice list will be getting something tonight!

[The fans cheer. The scene moves over to Santa's right as Laila stands next to him with a scowl on her face]

Thomas Simon: oh look who it is!

Santa Claus: Oh... Miss Laila. I umm.... I...

[Santa looks through his big red sack]

Santa Claus: I must have... forgotten yours...

[Santa turns to the camera]

Santa Claus: She's on the naughty list Yikes!

[Santa reaches deep in the bag]

Santa Claus: Oh! Laila... yes yes I do have something for you!

[Santa hands her a bag of Coal as the fans laugh. Laila's face turns enraged and she throws it back at him]

Laila: It's a good thing i'm a Muslim... but this is better than most of the pathetic chinese shit gifts most people give anyways. At least coal has a useful purpose. So why don't you light it up and shove it up your....


Richie Rhodes: Oh who's that?

[The scene pans over to a bubbly girl who is tiny with red hair smiling really big. Laila gives her a snarl and walks past her bumping in to her leaving the room]

Santa Claus: Oh and who might you be young lady!

"My name is Kayley Rose Hale and I have been a real good girl this year!"

Santa Claus: Oh why yes Kayley! I remember you.. my my have you grown up

[Santa creepily looks her up and down then reaches in and pulls out a my little pony toy]

Santa Claus: This is for you my precious Kayley

Kayley Hale: I love it Santa thanks!

[Just then behind her none other than the returning Adam Steele and Nathan James stand behind her to boo's from the fans]

Adam Steele: Really? Santa Claus? This is what we care about in this god damn country? Stupid old men dressing in costume and invading houses. Breaking and entering is a big crime you know. Would be a shame if there was someone who wanted to stand up against it...

[Adam and Nathan surround Santa and Kayley looks scared. Then the fans cheer as MPW Newcomers Hawk and Stefan Lajoie step in front of Santa defending him and Kayley]

Stefan Lajoie: You don't touch Santa... got it?

Adam Steele: and who might you be...

Hawk: IT DOESN'T MATTER. Get out of our faces and leave Santa alone.

Stefan Lajoie: You wanna be a big man... I see an event coming up next week named Uncivil War. You wanna throw your weight around well... im new, Hawk and Kayley are new and we are looking to bust some teeth. Find a third and you have yourselves a match.

[Adam smirks and nods]

Adam Steele: You're on. You will regret this

[Adam and Nathan walk off as Stefan, Hawk and Kayley stand tall in front of a nervous Santa Claus]

Thomas Simon: Well that was interesting!

Richie Rhodes: Our newcomers are looking to make sparks already. And good for them defending Santa like that!

Match 2

Soul Shadow defeats Valentina Madison via pinfall at 12:28 using the Soul Crusher.

After the match Soul Shadow attempts to shake Valentina's hand. Christian Carter hits the ring and turns Soul Shadow around and nails Soul Shadow with the Tornado Warning. He kicks Shadow out of the ring and leaves exits himself. He picks Shadow up and tosses him over the guard rail in to the crowd and hops over himself. Carter begins draging Shadow in a head lock to the backstage area.

Valentina asks for a microphone

Thomas Simon: This should be interesting, Valentina’s got something to say.

Richie Rhodes: I’ve been interested in what she’s been saying as of late, as hard as it once was to believe. She’s clearly become edgier as of late.

{Valentina stands up with the microphone, leans against a corner, and she begins to express herself.}

Valentina Madison: So… who is it going to be this week?

Thomas Simon: What?

Valentina Madison: Here I am, in the ring! I’m wide open! Come on, someone come out here and attack me already. After all, that seems to be the biggest fad in MPW lately right? Someone always comes out here to attack me from behind. Guess what, not tonight because I’m on to you people now. As I’ve stated countless times, I am SICK of it and I am NOT going to be the punching bag anymore. So, if anyone back there wants to attack me, do so now. Come on, I’m ready for it. I’ll even lie down for you to make it easier for you.

{And sure enough, she goes to the middle of the ring to do just that.}

Thomas Simon: I can’t blame her for being frustrated, but now I think she’s starting to take it far too personal.

Richie Rhodes: Really? I think she’s trying to make a point.

{After a few seconds, nobody comes out. Valentina stands up.}

Valentina Madison: Go figure! It happens when I’m not prepared for it right? But when I AM prepared for it, all of a sudden, nobody wants to attack me. {scoffs} Figures! Soul Shadow, you want to talk about how I’m too young and inexperienced to really know anything. I think, personally, time has passed you by after all, people these days are learning younger and at a faster rate than ever, that is, those that actually devote all the time and energy into their education which clearly, these people in New Orleans know nothing about otherwise they would have been more prepared for Hurricane Katrina when that storm hit

{This draws a huge boo from the fans}

Thomas Simon: I can’t believe she just said that. This isn’t like her at all.

Valentina Madison: Don’t boo me! You should be cheering me and let me tell you why. You should be cheering me because I’m the success in life you all wish you could be. Instead of spending your time and money on your education, instead you people in this Southern wreck of a city engorge yourselves by consuming massive amounts of gumbo and wasting all your hard earned money watching an overrated football team that can only win a championship by putting bounties on the other team’s players! As a matter of fact, it’s not just the people in this city, it’s people EVERYWHERE! Rather than save up for college, instead, teenagers these days waste every penny they’re hand-fed from their parents on gadgets like an iPod and tablets and all this other junk that society didn’t have 40 years ago, and yet, was still able to function just fine. Teenagers and young adults, rather than seek employment and learn how to make their own money, instead waste their weekends partying, and doing drugs, and being blinded by influences like…. Miley Cyrus…. Just saying her name makes me want to vomit!

Richie Rhodes: You’re not the only one sweetheart!

Thomas Simon: Now you’re kissing her ass? You weren’t a fan of her before!

Valentina: It’s the latter though, that I want to stress the most. You ignoramuses here in New Orleans and all over the world are BLINDED by terrible, outright HORRIBLE influences. If you don’t believe me, think about this. If you want to get by in this world by being a woman beater, feel free to find Taufik on Twitter and follow him because that sorry excuse of a champion can tell you exactly how he beat his old girlfriend and got away with it. If you want to get by in this world by disrespecting your deceased loved ones and having funnel vision on the rest of society, well my goodness gracious, there’s Soul Shadow, the epitome of just that. If you want to learn how to be selfish, how to disrespect someone that has shown respect toward you, and if you want to learn how to get by with all of that, and even greed, there’s the Resistance, your “beloved heros”. Everyone wants to kneel down and pucker up at the sight of Roxi, believing that she’s the Dr. Jekyll of wrestling, but in reality, she’s more Mr. Hyde than all of you ignorant idiots realize. Everyone thinks that Johnny Clash and Chrissy Starr are the power couple of MPW. If that’s the case, society is even more screwed than we thought and don’t even get me started on Taufik, I’ll have to say this, and pardon my language but FUCK HIM, FUCK the Resistance and FUCK every single one of you that are blinded by their horrendous, hypocritical influence!

{The crowd boos her even louder than the last time}

Valentina: I’m not done yet idiots, I got more to say. You guys want to know how I feel about Aeryn Ashfield? I’ll tell you! Aeryn Ashfield is nothing more than a glorified tramp who wasn’t going anywhere in MPW and who only got that title shot that she’s got because her man let her get it and I proved it a few weeks ago when I beat her, so in all reality, Aeryn, I can’t respect a woman like you that took shortcuts to success and I am sure that if something were to happen to you, your man would do the same thing to you that he did to his deceased lover and that’s a fact!

Thomas Simon: I’m in shock Richie…

Valentina: The real Valentina Madison isn’t the crying, sniveling baby that acted all respectful for everyone, that was naïve, that was taken advantage of every single week! This is the real Valentina Madison, and you people better educate yourselves on that because I refuse to be overlooked, I refuse to be disrespected, I refuse to be the whipping girl of this company anymore! Whether you’re pro-Resistance, or anti-Resistance, it doesn’t matter, all of you need to educate yourselves because from here on out, no more pushover, no more “fairy tales”, no more rose-tinted glasses, no more fantasy! It’s all reality from here, and MPW is going to get the Enlightenment it sorely needs! It’s simple everyone, I’m Valentina Madison and by far, I’m smarter than you!

{Valentina tosses the microphone out of the ring and then she makes her departure}

Thomas Simon: I don’t understand why she’d do this. I think she’s lost it…

Richie Rhodes: Lost it? Oh no, I think she GETS IT! Bravo Valentina, you just preached some things that I personally, have been feeling myself for quite sometime now.

Match 3

Match ends in a no contest at 12:34 when both competitors are counted out of the ring.

As Aeryn pushes Newman in to the guard rail, Christian Carter hits her from behind with Kurt's Awesome title. The two guys surround her awaiting her to get up. The crowd cheers as Johnny Clash runs out and Newman and Carter run off. Johnny helps Aeryn up.

The scene cuts backstage where Chrissy Starr is watching with her arms folded and a blank expression on her face

Thomas Simon: What was that about? Chrissy jealous? She's not the type though!

Richie Rhodes: You never know Thomas. Aeryn showed great agressiveness in that match. More intense than usual.

Thomas Simon: Shame it had to end like that but I am sure we will see these two again in the future.

Match 4

Jason Xavier and Chris Cable defeat Johnny Clash and Chrissy Starr via pinfall at 18:32. Jason X gets the pinfall over Chrissy Starr with an X-Driver.

After the match the two teams continue to brawl around the arena. Carter and Newman walk out once again and start attacking Clash and Starr. Aeryn and Soul Shadow run out as well and the two sides brawl.

Chrissy hits a jumping side kick on Jason X sending him out of the ring. Clash hits a Superkick on Carter sending him out of the ring. Aeryn and Soul Shadow double clothesline Chris Cable out of the ring. Kurt Newman stands in front of them and slowly backs down with a smile. At the same time all four deliver a Superkick to him as he rolls out of the ring.

They all celebrate in the ring as Chrissy gives Aeryn a dirty look next to Clash as they hug.

Thomas Simon: What a way to end the show!

Richie Rhodes: Newman just got rocked!

Thomas Simon: We will see you all next week at UNCIVIL WAR!!!!!

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